Unless otherwise stated, all meetings will be held in the Royal Northern & University Club, 9 Albyn Place, Aberdeen at 7.30 for 8pm
Members are reminded that there is a dress code at the Club. No blue jeans and trainers and gentlemen please wear a collared shirt and jacket. Drinks can be purchased in the Mirror Room.
Wednesday 23 October
Scotland Beneath the Surface - talk by Bruce Keith
Author, Bridgescapes and Are We There Yet?
Wednesday 27 November
Alberto Morrocco; the Aberdeen Years - talk by Leon Morrocco
Wednesday 22 January
The State of Play in Scotland - talk by Cherie Morgan
Director of Projects, Play Scotland
Wednesday 26 February
20 Years of the Trust - a Reflection - talk by Douglas Campbell
Project Officer, Aberdeen City Heritage Trust
Wednesday 26 March at 6.30pm for 7.00pm
Annual Supper at Royal Northern & University Club and Bi-Annual Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 23 April at 7.30pm prompt
Annual General Meeting
Followed by a presentation of topical interest